Dogs are who they are, they just do their thing, and feel all their feelings. We can learn so much from them - they show us what’s possible for us as human beings.


Let’s Spread Love!

Are you chasing your tail and resorting to control and fear?

That will make any relationship difficult.

What if your dog is your perfect mirror who can show you how to live in love and joy?

Yellow labrador dog rolled over on her back on bridge during dog training in Watford, Ontario.


Dogs only vibrate with LOVE

They know how to have a perfect relationship with you - it’s natural to them. They are simply moving through the world;

  • with compassion and respect

  • without expectation or obligation

  • with kindness and unconditional love

I believe we can take responsibility for our part and create beautiful relationships in our lives!

Sit with your dog…

(they have lots to teach you)

Dogs do better when you see YOURSELF in the relationship as equal, see them as whole capable beings, and know that you are connected!

Two women and their dogs sitting on the shore of water overlooking a bridge and sunset.

Guess What…

YOU need training, not your dog!

You are not alone - your dog has led you here and we can help! Let go of control and learn to inspire!

You are in the right place.

This is a new beginning!

Your relationship with your dog will be a source of…

Graphic in white of bulldog looking at viewer.


Invite letting go of the past and begin every day in a state of LOVE.

Graphic of small dog with spiky hair that looks like she is smiling.


Inspire your dog with games you can both win.


Graphic of dog that looks like a scruffy poodle who is friendly.

We will teach you how to train and interact with your dog to build connection.

Joyful Support has provided insight, training techniques, and knowledge not only about Oscar, but about my own behaviour and how it influences our dog-owner relationship.


Three ways we can work together

Woman in yellow shirt smiling at camera with her arm around her yellow and red labrador retriever. They are sitting on a picnic table.

Dog Mastery

Become your dog’s BEST friend

This dog-mastery course will teach you simple strategies to sort out challenges by setting realistic expectations for your dog.

When you understand how your behaviour plays a role in the relationship with your dog, it is easier to be your dog’s best friend for life.

BEGIN by remembering why you got your dog.

Two women with their dogs who look like they are about to go for a walk with the dogs outside. Trunk of car is open.

One-on-One Training

Based on Positive Reinforcement

It is possible to have a joyful training experience and long-term friendship with your dog. This individualized training teaches you how to inspire your dog to follow your lead and never give up.

Woman with pale blue shirt on resting by a tree with a journal in her hand and her dog is resting her head on owner's knee. They are outside in the woods in Ontario.


Become your own best friend

Commit to loving yourself first and showing up as a devoted leader. This program invites you to trust yourself more and move away from trying to fix all the things outside of you.

You will leave this experience with more clarity, confidence, and connection based on love for yourself and everyone around you.

Know and focus on what you want.


As Spiritual Gamechangers, we invite you to explore your thoughts, challenge your perspective and see your opportunities.

We want you to know that YOU are NOT TRAPPED by any condition or decision!

We help you drop resistance and build BELIEF so you can choose what you want.

Two woman and their dogs standing on a boardwalk in Watford, Ontario with a bridge behind them in the sun.

Since working with Arianne, life is more positive and less reactionary.

Stuff happens, and I face it with a more positive attitude now. Having a collection of positive tools makes it easier to go through it.



Choose Where to Start

Begin Dog Mastery

Start your journey to understanding your dog’s behaviours, become their best friend!

Book a Consultation Call

Let’s book a call so we can get started or so we can answer any questions for you!

Check out the Blog

Start learning now from our ever-expanding blog full of tips, training ideas and more!