How to Train an Unenthusiastic Dog

Is your dog showing a bit too much comfort or lack of motivation during training sessions? Don’t worry, here’s a sneak peek into how you can transform the scenario!

Preparation is Key:

Set the stage for success by creating a conducive environment for training. Ensure a calm space, free from distractions, to capture your pup's undivided attention. A focused setting provides the foundation for effective training.

Be Fun and Exciting:

An unmotivated or comfortable dog may not see you as the most exciting thing in the room. This often happens when your dog is more interested in exploring the surroundings during a walk or has just woken up. To capture their attention, bring in an element of fun and excitement to the training. Make yourself more engaging than the distractions around, turning the training into an enjoyable experience for your dog.

Narrow the Focus:

Redirect your dog's attention by becoming the focal point of excitement. A dog that is excited about interacting with you is more likely to be motivated during training. Encourage positive behaviour by creating an environment where your commands become the primary source of interest. Remember, every positive interaction builds a stronger bond between you and your dog.

Stay tuned for next week's tips, where we'll delve into training strategies for overexcited or anxious dogs. Building a harmonious relationship with your canine companion is an ongoing journey, and we're here to guide you through each step!

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