The Magic of Choice

Tips & Tricks and Reflections

Dog Training, Spiritual Awareness & Personal Development

Dog Training Arianne de Rond Dog Training Arianne de Rond

The Way you Walk Your Dog Matters

Although it’s a daily practice and happens multiple times a day, walking your dog has become a normality not a chance for training. I challenge you to be curious and see how you can make your daily ‘boring’ walks into a key part of training!

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Self-Mastery Arianne de Rond Self-Mastery Arianne de Rond

Step Out From the Shadows and Embrace Your Full Potential

It's time to step into your potential fully by embracing your strengths and overcoming resistance. If you're struggling to achieve your vision, know you're not alone; seeking support can help uncover blind spots and move you closer to your dreams. Let's leave self-doubt behind and take bold steps toward our aspirations, tapping into our extraordinary energy to unlock our highest potential.

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Dog Training Arianne de Rond Dog Training Arianne de Rond

Understanding Your Dog’s Bark

Barking is your dog’s way of expressing their emotions. Our reactions and responses to their behaviour, will determine whether barking becomes a habit or not. Understanding their language, will promise a more harmonious relationship.

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Dog Training Arianne de Rond Dog Training Arianne de Rond

Your Practical Guide to Normalizing Every Day Things Into Your Puppy’s World

You just brought home your puppy and amidst all the love and happiness you feel, you’re already thinking of the best ways to adapt your puppy with your lifestyle. But how? We’ve come up with a practical guide to not only make the confident switch into your home, but to ensure you can create positive boundaries that align with you.

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Dog Training Arianne de Rond Dog Training Arianne de Rond

Correcting Through Punishment Does Not Create Confident Dogs, But Here’s What Does!

The traditional way of dog training has always been based on fear and judgement. But, what if you could give your dog a choice so that they can make confident choices and build trust with you. We’re diving deeper into why fear is no longer the way and how dog’s can work for you because they want to, rather than have to.

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Dog Training Arianne de Rond Dog Training Arianne de Rond

Your Puppy Doesn’t Know, Take Your Own Responsibility

We are all guilty of it, setting too high expectations for our dog. Your dog cannot learn something new in a high distraction and they most definitely cannot learn something new if you’ve never taught them. We are showing you how to be clear in your expectations and become aware of the times when you are not!

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