With empathy, love, and joy, we guide you to a better place!


We take you from struggle to FREEDOM in your relationship with yourself and your dog.

Mother and daughter standing on a bridge smiling with their dogs.
Woman in yellow shirt with her dog on a leash near sunset.

You are bursting with ideas - if only you could do it all!

…but first you need to train your dog

None of the dog-training videos or tips & tricks are working.

You have become overwhelmed with the thought of training your dog.

You are blaming yourself for taking on too much, or not being good enough to manage all of this…

Woman and her dog sitting in the forest quietly writing in a journal.


You already have your dream dog!

We are Arianne and Adinda and we work with dog-owners who want more love and joy in their lives!

(psst - your dog brought you to the right place!)

We teach you how to LISTEN to your dog because knowing how WILL bring you the ease you desire - free of all the expectations and obligations that are holding you back now.

100+ dog owners helped

30+ years experience

A student of Susan Garrett’s Online Training Programs

Smiling friendly woman and her yellow lab sitting near a forest.

Arianne: Spiritual Gamechanger

With a lifelong passion for animal behavior and raising four children, over time I found the courage to embrace myself without judgment, blame, or shame.

Just as I wanted my kids to have learning opportunities, I also desired the same for our dogs. Giving them an environment where they can be their authentic selves fostered their unique personalities and fills our life with joy.

By blending my distinctive approach to dog training with spiritual and personal development, I have witnessed a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and humans. I firmly believe that with love, consistency, and unwavering commitment, anyone can create their lifelong dream dog!

Woman and her dog on a bridge outside near Watford, Ontario.

Adinda: Communication and Support

I have always been surrounded by dogs, but the bond you have with your own is like nothing else. My 2-year-old rescue, Charlie came to me at a time when I craved purpose and love. He reminded me to be grounded and to make every day worth it.

Through the training techniques with Joyful Support, I was able to build a strong and lasting relationship with Charlie. As the trust between us grew, so did our confidence.

However, it was more than training him, it was loving and accepting myself for who I am. Our relationship deepened because we both grew individually.

I continue to apply our unique approach and live proof that love leads the way, especially in life! Most days you’ll find me in your inbox replying to a message or on your social media sharing joy.

Beautiful yellow Labrador retriever looking almost at the camera.


Our incredible yellow lab, Joy, is a great example of unconditional love. She is our best friend, colleague, and teammate. She brings joy into our lives every day. Her unique skills are helpful with dogs and people. She is gentle, full of love, and authentic.

Joy reminds us of our purpose daily and she is the reason that we are where we are today. She has shown us that fear and punishment are not the way - love is.

Sustainable Change is Possible Now

- In Three Steps -

Our approach to dog training combined with spiritual and personal development is unique - and it works.


Browse this website to see if we are the right fit. Learn how we combine spiritual and personal development with dog training.


Contact us to set up a personal consultation call so we can really get into the details of what you desire. We will guide you to the starting point that is best for your goals.


We will get you set up with a training or coaching plan so you can begin! We can’t wait to work with you!