They say, “Dogs are our best friends”…

(Ok, fine - it’s true - but..)

Person in yellow shirt leaning on a tree writing in her journal with dog laying beside her overlooking a lake.

It’s Time to Become Your OWN Best Friend First!


Have you left your dreams behind?

Are you too busy managing all the things?

Do your relationships feel unpredictable?

Is everything else around you pulling you in every direction?

Beautiful image of sun set and woman standing in a tree in a red one-piece outfit overlooking water.

This isn’t what you signed up for

You’ve got wisdom & all kinds of ideas you’d like to share with the world.

You are the creator of your life!

Choosing to devote yourself to what you want and why you want it invites more ease and peace.

Your relationships will always show you exactly how things are going for you internally.

Hey, I know this chaos isn’t what you are after - let’s sort this out and get to those DREAMS of yours!

Mother and daughter blowing bubbles and laughing while standing in a forested area.

What YOU want matters

We, humans, have not been taught how our emotions work.


You aren’t at the whim of what others need from you or the standards that have been set out for you. It makes sense why so many of us doubt and deny our worthiness and overlook that we always have a CHOICE!


I want you to know you are loved, powerful, and unique. I want your dreams to come true.

The tools of self-awareness, forgiveness, and self-compassion can fuel your empowered life.


It’s NEVER too late.

You are not broken.

You are loved.

I have experienced first-hand how the journey inward has allowed me to trust and believe in myself and what I can create in this world.

This has energetically empowered me and rippled through my family. It even impacted how my kids think and feel about themselves and the life they can create.

You don’t need to figure this out alone.

We’ve all tried - but we are social beings meant to support each other - so let’s try something new!

Person throwing leaves up above her while her dog looks up at the leaves too.

Introducing “Self-Mastery”

A Spiritual Awakening Backed by Science

This journey brings personal freedom and releases you from unwanted mental patterns that keep you trapped.

You will learn how to live with absolute confidence and clarity in any area of your life with limitless possibilities.

Each lesson is designed in alignment with the Universal Laws and Divine Timing. Everything is taught in a specific order to ensure true and lasting transformation.

    • 10-week guided journey

    • Weekly private meetings on Zoom

    • Discover who you are, what you want and why you want it

    • Learn how to consistently show up as you

    • You will never have to worry about what others think again!

    • Create clarity, confidence and connection based on LOVE for yourself and everyone around you

$2500 USD

Woman with brown curly hair and glasses kneeling beside her dog who looks very excited and happy to be alive!

You can slow down and remember

Everything you are looking for is within

A private self-mastery program designed to help you discover who you are, what you want, and why you want it.

You will learn how to work with your emotions so you can consistently show up as you - in your full magic and as a devoted leader with a commitment to loving yourself first.

This program moves you away from trying to fix others and allows you to trust yourself more. It creates clarity, confidence, and connection based on LOVE for yourself and everyone else around you.

The class was absolutely amazing. I can see changes in the way I am approaching my day and the experiences that I am having with people.

The Staircase to Freedom is definitely helping to assist my work efforts, to dial back into who I am and what I am to accomplish.

~ Suzan