Imagine having a dog who makes good choices with confidence

Not out of fear - but because they want to!

Woman in blue dog-training shirt running with her dog over a log.

How you Train Your Dog will Change You!


No more punishment and verbal corrections!

We teach you how to focus on the behaviour that you want to see and encourage more of it through positive reinforcement.

Beautiful yellow labrador dog looking up at owner and sitting. Woman looks like a dog-trainer.

This is more than treats and praise

We teach you how to have a happy, confident dog who wants to work for you.

Reinforcement includes playing with toys, time with your dog, a car ride, social time with other dogs, a swim, and a simple walk.

When you know what makes your dog happy, you can use that to create an environment where your dog will want to do what you ask!

Say goodbye to leash-pulling, furniture chewing and jumping up on guests - let’s create a new learning environment for your dog!


We focus on the path ahead by letting go of past misbehaviour and encouraging what we want through fun, reinforcement, and clear communication.

Mother and daughter dog-coaching team standing behind a dog outside in a feild.

Training your dog is a lifetime commitment


We gently guide you on your journey as you learn to listen to and believe your dog, to work together and to take self-responsibility for your relationship.

Offered online or in-person

This is a safe, judgement-free space

Through Arianne’s gentle coaching, we went from a very anxious and upset puppy in the crate to a puppy that willingly goes in on her own for naps!

~ Jennifer

Yellow lab jumping over a log with ears flying in the wind looking very happy.

One-on-One Dog Training

Inspire your dog and enjoy your relationship!

When you understand your responsibility in your relationship with your dog, it is easy to have a great friendship.

With time and commitment you can build a long term relationship with your dog that inspires both of you.

We see long-term sustainable success because we focus on the quality of your relationship first.

    • lessons are private and tailored to you and your dog

    • you can choose how many sessions we have based on your goals

    • 30 minute lessons with a training plan

One 30-minute private lesson: $69 USD

Woman in pink shirt looking at a dog who is standing on a tractor tire.

Frequently Asked Questions

About our dog-training programs

  • They happen over Zoom and replay recordings are sent to you after the call.

    We can accomplish the same quality of lessons on zoom as we can in person.

  • It’s unlikely to have everything changed in one call, but we break down your challenges and come up with a plan.

    By the end of our first call, we will know if and how we can help you. We will then schedule more calls as needed.

    You will leave the first call with some new perspectives and we will show you the opportunies in your relationship with your dog.

  • Yes, our positive approach to training is what many rescue owners seek.

    It’s a way to build your relationship with your new family member and have fun in the process!

  • As soon as you get your dog, consciously or unconsciously, you are creating their training environment. So “training” begins the moment they move in.

    It is best to start formal training from the beginning but this isn’t always how it works out and that’s okay!

    We begin where you and your dog are today.

    No matter their age or struggles, you can build a relationship of trust with your dog.

  • We work with positive reinforcement - so rather than correction (which can lead to punishment) we build a new behaviour by encouraging more of it.

    We focus on what we want to see from our dog instead of focusing on undesired behaviour.

  • If you are local, yes!

    Our training facility is in Watford, Ontario.

    Please reach out if you are nearby!

  • Yes, we do!

    If this is something you are interested in please reach out!

I have loved building a stronger connection with our puppy. Not just myself, but others in and outside of our household have noticed her thinking through decisions and beginning to make good choices all on her own.

~ Lexie