Red labrador retriever sitting on bridge looking very calm and well trained.

Is dog-training not going as smoothly as you’d hoped?

(You had everything prepared but this isn’t easy!)

Become Your Dog’s Best Friend!


Are you frustrated & overwhelmed with your dog?

You love the excitement of getting a new dog - the love, the happiness, and the entertainment.

You’ve tried training your dog on your own but it’s not working.

Your dog’s behaviours have you at a loss for what to do next.

Woman in yellow shirt with her dog on a leash. Dog is paying full attention to owner and they are on a bridge.

You haven’t failed! Nothing is set in stone!

Your dog is showing you the best they can do today

Your dog can only do what they can with the training that you’ve given them so far.

Changing your dog’s learning environment improves their chances of success so they can thrive.

Clarity and consistency are key to growing your dog’s confidence.

Dog Mastery Training can help!

A dog knows how to have a perfect relationship with you:

  • A dog loves you for who you are

  • A dog has no expectations

  • A dog has no opinions

Sometimes we feel more supported by our dog than anyone else!

Are you ready to build a trusting relationship with your dog?

Your dog is always communicating with you - even if you can’t see it (yet).

Woman with short curly hair and yellow shirt with her arm around a labrador retreiver overlooking water.

Introducing Dog Mastery

This online course will teach you simple tools to sort out the challenges you are having with your dog.

When you understand how your behaviour influences your relationship, it is easier to create your dream dog.


  • ten strategic course modules and integration work

  • weekly group training + weekly question and answer sessions

  • all sessions are on Zoom


Woman kissing her dog while both are sitting on the ground surrounded by bubbles that the owner has been blowing in the forest.

Be a Conscious Dog Owner

This methodology is unique and proprietary

Each lesson is designed in alignment with the Universal Laws and Divine Timing. Everything is taught in a specific order to ensure a true and lasting transformation.

Communication builds trust.

Trust generates commitment.

Commitment promotes teamwork.

Teamwork creates results!

"Who you become when you train a dog is just as important as who the dog becomes"

~ Susan Garrett

Person in blue shirt writing in a journal against a tree while dog is nearby in the forest.

Dog-Training is a Conversation

As your coach, I will translate your dog’s feedback so you can learn it too

LISTEN - learn how to listen to your dog and they will let you know if they understand what you mean and if they feel comfortable with what you’ve asked them to do.

BELIEVE- when you believe your dog, your trust will grow with each other.

COMMIT - commitment to the two keys above will lead to the results you want.

Two women with their dogs who look like they are about to go for a long walk.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Dog-Mastery

  • Dog Mastery is about understanding your dog, challenging your perspectives, and reading your dog’s language.

    In Dog Mastery you grow your belief in your dog and take responsibility to work as a team together.

    With commitment and consistency, you will create long-term results based on love and joy!

  • Dog Mastery is a 10-week guided journey.

  • The Dog Mastery lessons will take place on Zoom with replay recordings available after the call.

Joyful Support takes a refreshing and fun approach to dog training. It is about creating and building a strong bond between you and your dog, while at the same time working on behaviours.

~ Laurie